See You My Dearest

I dont what should start from.
I know her its all by accident. At start i dont even know where she from,and why she connected to my account.
All i know i just try to find people from my hometown at new sos media.
When i ask her contack,  she gave me. From that we start to chat and know each others.
After a month we decided to meet each others.
I overjoy at that time, coz i thought may be i found someone that i belive can share each others dream.
But, after i found that she had many people that try to get her as a couple. That time sundenly i find my self low. I figure that im in a low level from that people that try to get her.
Also she have a story that she had a new bussyment at her. And from that time we really chat and talk each others.
From that changes i figure that we had something wrong. And i belive she had try to remove me from her days.
I know this woud be happen at start but i try to belive that i have wrong. From my sight i saw that he had a strong will and try to stand with her own legs. And she did it. I dont even see what her jobs before, what her background  school from. I remove that all cause i know thats all nothing to do with people heart.
Now i just wait what happen next to me. Hope it would be some happines there.

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For a year im got think
Every single day i just think
What i have done so
Every day my brain get hurt just to think you
And you never know even you dont even give a shit

For this time I always defend you in front other
Just to make you name still clear
Other know how tricky you are
But with smile i awlways say that a lie

Maybe others say its bored
But for me this is everything
Like i have told you
This aint just a game that could be end just like that
I have give all i have
I have told it

This is because you to be understand
Not for me but for the all human around you
So you could see not because they power
But you should see with they kindness



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Happy New Year 2015

Today i realize that this year very mean for me. 
I have passed a couple of things that I had never previously passed.
Partly its hurt for me, but from that i have learn a thing.
At first many people said that im a trouble some and cant make a live.
But Alhamdulillah i made it. I can live until this day.
And some say if im get rich at the future i can be the one who can be relied.
First i thought it would be so hard to live when even my girl left me.

And even i was being said, drug users, lazy and no hope for me.
I was angry and feel abandoned, that why i dissapear.
But my best friend looking for me, he said he loss me.
Not only one, some friend that knows me for a long time said it too.
That why i think, people not left me.

And in the end this year i have to get up or pretend to toughen.
My best friend have some trouble with his parents.
And his parents was mine too.
For that i have to give him some power, even i need it too.

I just know that she being very happy that she left me.
I just dont get it, why why she accept me at first when she dont have a trust.
Now i just trying to prove that I could.
Could do anything for my own good.
Just try to give her some sight that im not so badly that she look.  
Slowly but surely this road leads there

Just Try And Hope ..  in 2015

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FOR YOU .....

mays mays mays. I still don't understand what has happened in this year. indeed ever imagined it but I do not believe that I would experience it now. I live all alone now, when a few years ago I chose you so that i won't be alone and can be shared through you.
in reality you are not willing to stay with me in the future. I actually already guessed this would happen sooner or later, but I always pray that you can change and I was given the
blessing and everything.
My life is not as easy as everyone else was. and that I have explained, long before I could be with you. and you time it confirms that you are ready with it all.
STUPID indeed, almost one year we parted. but honestly I can not let you go in heart and mind. all this not because I could not figure out. has anyone ever I think will be able to replace you. but not that easy to replace you here. if only just for the satisfaction and pride I can quickly search for a woman that I can take. and indeed I've ever tried and I were leaving, and considered stupid by my friend.
I understand you can not deal with my bad behavior, my incompetence in terms of  my jobs and money, but at least now I can prove that I could live apart from family and live a life of my own. if I was forced to survive.
and also gradually I could build my life, only real strong support that I need to overcome everything.and this end of year I will prove to you that I was able to change with my own volition and give something as evidence for it.
apart away from your feelings are already empty and hate on me. I really - really miss and miss you. but to meet course I do not think the right time because I was not anything - anything in front of you.
i am not sick at all, my weight and everything is undergoing. all just for you.
not because i am sick and mad with you. but I feel that at first time i meet you i already choose you with all its consequences. all i have done you probably will not believe what I'm doing. this is all for you and till today I still breathe just to see you even though heavy and sad.
everyone thinks I stupid an crazy enough, but I will crawl and I can prove to you just for you, I can Neng

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Between dead and live there is a thin line and time whether you choose to still in earth or continue to others. I know,i have before. When its come again, my brain choose to keep alive. There is something that i have to do.
Now I little bit understand what my dear friend feel when she face the death. 

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Don't realize it is today. But when i see my comp time. Yeah this is my time. I always being scare to head to head with this time, beside my age more and more old. There is some BAD INCIDENT THAT HAPPEN RIGHT this day.
The death of my father is today. And that make me like being cursed! That happen since 2006. That time I'm in Bandung to study ay university. From story of my family that day my father steup up to Bandung with one reason treatment for the diseases  that he have diabetes. I also miss my father dead. Cause that day i have no cell phone, and could be reached from my family only my father it self know where am i. But it not happen couse my friend told me. Thanks to them.
1 hour right this second i promise to my self to be better today start with leave my truly bad habit. And i have write it in my room to remind me. That time i still dont realize that this day where my birthday.

Looks like I started to get up on its own after a slumped over the years.

I know i have being slumped all this time cause i have being left again and again with the one i LOVE so. I  use to think  that why God being unfair to my live. Gos always took what ever that i LOVE most.
I really realize i cant stay like this forever, i have to get up. My only GOAL IS TO PROVE THAT I CAN BE SOMEONE to them, and i'l show to my beloved SHE that i can do it this time or yesterday, the only mistakes that i have is not start it  soon when i was with HER. And SHE totally cant wait me and stand beside me. I'l show SHE that i CAN, and I sitt waiting for HER.


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Akhirnya Menyadari bahwa kekeliuran dalam mengambil keputusan ini yg menyebabkan aku jd begini, Sebagai hukuman & peringatan atas kebodohan, logika yg jelek, dan penilaian yg buru2.
Jujur pada awalnya sy mengira bahwa S mungkin lebih baik dikarenakan dia sudah lulus kuliah dan bekerja. Dibandigkan P yg notabene anak yg dimanja oleh keluarganya.
Tetapi sy tidak menyadari tentang perjalanan hidup mereka dan latar belakang mereka sampai sekarang.

1. P memang dari anak yg berada tapi dibiasakan jauh dari ortu jadi dia harus bisa beradaptasi. Terbukti dengan semua temen2 ku di D bisa dekat dan ngobrol dgn tanpa ada beban dan Jaim. Keluarga Balubur D pun menghormati P sebagai orang yg ramah. 
2. Apalagi ibu kost sy dia selalu curhat kepada P apapun itu. Jadi memudahkan sy utuk nunggak bayaran bulanan HEHEHEHE, bahkan P sudah dianggap seperti anaknya sendiri. Sereseh, dan ramah itulah dia. 
3. Cti pasangan sahabat sy yg bener2 sombong, ternyata bersimpati juga dgn P bahkan sms an dan menginap di kost2an Cti kalau memang ada keperluan di kota ku dan sy tidak pernah mendengar keluhan apapun tentang P.
Dan S kalau saya perhatikan dia
1. selalu Jaim jika bertemu dengan teman ataupun orang lain. 
2. S selalu santai dan kurang memperhatikan lawan bicaranya yg belum dekat sekali. 
3. Bahkan di keluarga sy dia tidak bnisa blend dgn yg lain padahal sy kalau ada acara di keluarga S mati2an sy harus bisa blended. 
4. Jangankan pada keluarga kepada temen sebelah konter kami pun dia tidak bisa dekat dan nilai gengsinya itu sangat besar, cth nya padahal kita sedang ngurusin konter otomatis dipinggir jalan tp dia tdk mau karena takut terlihat teman atau sodaranya. Pemikiran sy So what gtu? kita ngga buat sesuatu yg memalukan di pinggir jalan ko. Dan dia didampingi oleh pasangannya yg orang juga akan percaya akan melindunginya.
5. Ini yg membuat sy agak tidak mau membuka masalah sy kepaada dia dan berusaha slalu terlihat berjalan dgn baik. Ini yg membuat sy merasa sendiri bahkan walau ada S sekalipun karena sy tau S tidak mau dipersulit hidupnya.

Pemikiran tentang  "Kita"
Berdua kita memang mempunyai kepentingan masing2 dan apa yg harus dikejar...
P berfikiran sudahlah biar sy yg maju toh kedepannya sy juga yg akan Total di mendukung sy habis2 dengan memberi semangat atau diskusi walau pun sederhana tp dia selalu menanyakan dan membuat sy ceria. Menjadikan sy yg tadinya penuh dengan masalah malah ceria dan terhibur. Apapun kesempatan yg ada dia pasti bicara kepada sy. Bahkan hal2 yg terkecil.
Sedangkan S jika sy sedang menghadapi masalah, memang dia memberi petunjuk dan arahan. TAPIII dia memberi pandangan jika sy gagal dan hal2 buruk yg akan terjadi jika sy bener2 gagal, hal ini malah membuat saya takut bahkan menambah bingung sy dalam mengambil keputusan. Ditambah lg dia sering menekankan jika something happen maka dia ngga mau tau dengan kegagalan saya.
Jadi ada stigma dimana my problem is your and your problem not mine. Ini yg membuat saya sangat terpuruk sy seperti tidak mempunyai pasangan yg dapat diajak berbagi tentang apapun karena pandangan dia menurut sy pasti akan jelek ketika saya mempunyai masalah.
Jadilah saya SENDIRI dan menghadapi semua yaa permasalahan dia dan permasalahan saya juga. Jika ada sedikit saja yg menjadi kelemahan atau kesalahan sy maka dengan cepat dia pasti akan memarahi dan membuat penilaian yg sangat buruk.
1. Pernah suatu saat ada suatu permasalahan dengan kasar dia menampar saya (dan itu pertama kalinya sy ditampat ole perempuan didepan orang lain pula
2. Ketika sy gagal atau apapun yg negatif pasti ucapan yg akan diucapkan adalah "Klo gni terus kapan nikahnya?" (Ini yg membuat muak dan memang mencari jalan pintas untuk mendapat penghasilan besar dari pada honor dan ternyata itu boomerang buat saya karena tanpa dukungan sy pada saat itu tidak mungkin bisa berbuat banyak.)
Ini yg menjadi signifikan diantara mereka berdua sangat amat berbeda :
1. P  merupakan tipe terbuka dan jika tidak terbuka malah akan menjadi masalah seperti Hand Phone, teman, kegiatan atau apapun jadi apapun yg terjadi bisa di diskusikan dan bisa menjadi sesuatu yg berharga bagi KITA untuk diperbincangkan. No boundaries at all between us dan itu yg buat secara tidak langsung sy terkendali karena TUKUT tapi akhirnya sy terbiasa akan hal tersebut dan menyadari memang itu yg seharusnya fokus terhadap pasangan bukan mencari lg.
2 .S pada awalnya memang terbuka seperti P dan biasa saja tp lambat laun S menjadi tertutup dan mengatakan Privacy harus dijaga, What?? there is privacy between a couple? what You hiding from me? Awalnya saya juga memakluminya tetapi lambat laun sy pun curiga ada kalanya memanfaatkan kelengahan dia untuk membaca beberapa sms/bb di HP nya dan memang ada percakapan dengan co lain tentang curhat lah atau semacamnya, so apa gunanya saya dihadapannya/apa karena saya banyak masalah trus buat dia pusing sehingga harus curhat ke co / ce laen?

Pada akhirnya sy sadar bahwa 
1. Dia / saya pun terlalu cepat dlm mengambil keputusan untuk bersama. Dia sedang rapuh dan saya memang sedang mencari pendamping yg "fisiknya" dekat dengan sy sebagai semangat.
2. Sy jauuuuuuuh dibawah penilaian dia kalau sy tidak KAYA, belum MAPAN. TIDAK BISA DIBANGGAKAN ;-) padahal dengan cara apapun sy BERUSAHA untuk membuatnya kagum tp memang UANG merupakan standar bakunya.
3. Bukan keluarga yg uth bahkan sy cenderung TIDAK MEMPUNYAI keluarga, sy bermaksud ALL OUT untuk dia karena sy berharap dia bisa menjadi Teman, Partner, bahkan Keluarga untuk sy, tp pada kenyataannya dia memposisikan diri untuk menjauhi sy.


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---U2 COVER---

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Ciri-Ciri Mahasiswa Baru

dari :

Hayooooooo mengenang masa lalu pertama masuk yg namanya University gaaak gaaak gaak

Jangaaaan nyengiiiiir klo beneeeeer wkwkkw

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Starship Troopers

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